Acadia University Senate

SENATE MEETING OF 14 October 2003

A meeting of the Senate of Acadia University occurred on Tuesday,  14 October 2003, beginning at
4:02 p.m. with Chair Robert Raeside presiding and 47 members present.
1) Minutes of the Meeting of 
 8 September 2003

It was moved by L. McDonald and seconded by L. Oliver that the minutes of Monday, 8 September 2003 be approved.  


2) Announcements and
   a) From the Chair
      -re Regrets

     -re Senate Membership      



Regrets were received from G. Draper, and A. Irving. 

The Chair introduced and welcomed Student Senator J. Langille (Arts) replacing R. John.  

    b) From the Vice-President 

C. MacLatchy announced the Academic Honours Reception is to take place on Friday, 7 November 2003, at the Atlantic Theatre Festival between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m.  This event recognizes the outstanding academic achievements of students throughout the past year from all faculties.  He encouraged faculty to attend this event.
 3) Graduates of October 2003

It was moved by C. MacLatchy and seconded by G. Ness that the list of 115 Graduates for October 2003 as distributed be approved (APPENDIX A).

R. Raeside reminded Senators there is no longer a fall Convocation at Acadia University, therefore this approval constitutes the October graduation.

Graduate, Bruce Barber was added under Bachelor of Kinesiology.


 4) Business Arising from the 
   a) By-Laws Committee-
      Faculty Development  
      Committee (034-08-LAW)


It was moved by P. Corkum and seconded by M. Grieve that the Faculty Development Committee be removed from the list of standing committees of Senate.

P. Corkum referred to Attachment 3)a) of 8 Sep 03 Agenda.  She spoke on behalf of the By-Laws Committee and noted that faculty development is happening at various levels, but is most effective at the individual faculty level.  

S. Markham-Starr spoke against this motion and referred to a memo dated 14 Oct 03 which was emailed to Senators.  Others who spoke against this motion felt it was important that individual faculty members have institutional support in their development.  Recently there has been a strong emphasis on faculty development pertaining to the Acadia Advantage, but faculty development is broader than this.  


The Chair encouraged current committee members (A. Powers [Arts], D. Benoit [FPAS], J. Wilson [Theology], and a vacancy for Prof. St.) to meet, review duties and determine a working model for Senate to consider at a later meeting.

    b) By-Laws Committee-
      Academic Integrity 
      Committee Part I 


It was moved by P. Corkum and seconded by A. Mitchell that the following be accepted by Senate and included in the By-Laws:
i. The membership of the Academic Integrity Committee shall be elected in accordance with Article VI. 1. and shall be as follows:
One member of the Faculty of Arts
One member of the Faculty of Professional Studies
One member of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
One member of the Faculty of Theology/Divinity College
One member of the student body
The Registrar or delegate
The Librarian or delegate
The Director of the Department of Distance and Continuing Education or delegate

ii. The duties of the Academic Integrity Committee shall be:
-- to advocate for any additional resources that are necessary and appropriate to support effective proctoring of tests and examinations, plagiarism detection software, campus awareness programs, etc.;
-- to recommend practical and technical measures to deter and detect cheating and plagiarism;
-- to monitor University policy on cheating and plagiarism and to recommend any changes deemed necessary;
-- to promote uniform procedures across campus for reporting cheating and plagiarism; 
-- to oversee a Registry in the Registrar's Office of reported incidences of penalties applied for cheating and plagiarism in order to deter repeated offences; and
-- to review as necessary policy and procedures in other Canadian universities and to act as a liaison with outside organizations as appropriate.

Concern was expressed regarding the privacy and use of the Registry held by the Registrar's Office.  G. Ness replied that the monitoring would be on the occurrence of offences, not on the persons listed.


    c) By-Laws Committee-
      Academic Integrity 
      Committee Part II 


It was moved by P. Corkum and seconded by A. Mitchell that the membership of the Academic Integrity Committee, as passed in the previous motion be replaced with the following to be elected in accordance with Article VI. 1.:
One member of the Faculty of Arts
One member of the Faculty of Professional Studies
One member of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
One member of the Student body
The Registrar (who will act as Chair)

This motion downsized the original membership of the Integrity Committee.

S. Lochhead spoke against this motion noting that Library members are often asked to speak about or discuss the issue of plagiarism and to assist students doing research papers, and to determine what might be plagiarism.  Librarian input was important and played a key role in the developing of this policy.

It was moved by S. Lochhead and seconded by G. Ness that the membership of this committee includes a Librarian.



   d) University Teaching 
      Complement Committee-
      Request of Appeal from   
      Department of Languages 
      and Literatures 



This original notice of motion was modified with 034-13-ART as attached to today's agenda.  This issue came to Senate as part of an appeal process.

It was moved by G. Ness and seconded by D. Brodeur that Senate immediately conduct a hearing in the matter of the appeal of the Department of Languages and Literatures under Article 20.00 of the 10th Collective Agreement and that Senate uses a format for the hearing that is analogous to the process for the appeal hearing conducted by the Teaching Complement Committee (TCC), which is found in Article 20.05 of the 10th Collective Agreement.

The Chair recognized the presence of J. Best, Languages & Literatures, who was available to speak to this issue.

Lengthy discussion followed, regarding the process by which this appeal to the Senate was to be carried out.  It was noted that information as presented by interested parties to the TCC had been received but nothing from the TCC, whose perspective is important in this appeal process and who, in the appeal process is the interested party. 


It was moved by T. Archibald and seconded by J. Slights that this matter be returned to the TCC and that this committee prepare a report containing information from the appellant and the Academic Planning Committee for consideration by the Senate at the November meeting.  This report should also contain the TCC's recommendation for consideration by Senate.  


 5) New Business
   a) University President - 
      Guidelines for the  
      Appointment and Review of 
      Senior Academic Officers 


The Chair referred to the document on proposed changes for the Guidelines for the Appointment and Review of Senior Academic Officers as attached to today's agenda which was distributed to Senators for information.  Senators were advised to forward any comments on this item to the President's Office.  

G. Dinter-Gottlieb noted that it is important that all faculty have an opportunity to respond to this proposal.  Once this proposal is dealt with, a search for Acadia's VP (Academic) position may begin.  

L. MacDonald expressed concern that the Faculty of Theology was not included in the composition of a search committee for President.  The President advised this is a reasonable request and should be considered at the Board level.

    b) By-Laws Committee-
      Notice of Motion re Term 
      of Service for By-Laws 
      Committee Members 


P. Corkum gave a notice of motion, as handed out at today's meeting, to make adjustments to the By-Laws Committee term of service for its membership, to bring it in line with the other Senate Committees and provide continuity on this committee (APPENDIX  B). 

 6) Adjournment T. Archibald moved this meeting be adjourned.  It was 5:20 p.m.

D. Murphy, Recording Secretary