Acadia University Senate


A meeting of the Senate of Acadia University occurred on Monday, 11 March 2002, beginning at
4:02 p.m. with Chair Ian Wilks presiding and  members present.
1) Minutes of the Meeting of 
    11 February 2002

It was moved by S. Sansonetti and seconded by R. Perrins that the Minutes of 11 February 2002 be approved.

P. Cook proposed an amendment on Page 4, Item 5)c) regarding Annual Report of Scholarships, Prizes and Awards Committee.  The end of the second paragraph should read:  "She noted that an increase in the payout from the endowment last year made it possible to have more scholarships, prizes, awards, and bursary funds than in the year before.  P. Cook advised that any letter to the Board of Governors requesting additional funds should be specific with regard to the type of scholarship program."


2) Announcements and
   a) From the Chair
      -re Regrets

      -re Senate Membership

   b) From the President



Regrets were received from P. Corkum, N. Price, A. Irving, L. MacDonald, W. McLeod, and G. Vaughan.

The Chair announced that the Recording Secretary has compiled and distributed the annual lists of vacancies on Senate and Senate committees.  He noted that the annual reports from Senate standing committees will be presented at the May 8th meeting.  The deadline for sending these reports to the Recording Secretary is noon on April 29th.  He reminded the Nominating Committee that its report (in which it makes recommendations for various Senate positions in the coming year) should be sent to the Recording Secretary before noon on March 26th.

K. Ogilvie noted that there is much interest in the opening of the Chancellor's project - which will officially occur in the autumn of this year.  While it will not be opened at the time of the Spring Convocation, there will be opportunities for the graduating class to tour the facility in the week prior to Convocation.  He reminded Senators that the Director of this facility reports directly to the University President.

He reported that the annual government budget does not sound encouraging for universities.

    c) From the Vice-President 

M. Leiter reported:  1) that his office has received 28 applications for the Teaching Innovation Fund; 2) that the application deadline for two very important positions on campus -- Registrar and Dean of Research & Graduate Studies -- is March 28th; 3) that the Faculty Research Showcase will be held Thursday, March 14th, in BAC 132; and 4) that the Federal Government announced today that Acadia University would receive a one-time $575,000 research grant - but it is not yet decided where this money will be directed on campus.

In reply to a question regarding the job description for Dean of Research & Graduate Studies, M. Leiter defined the term "suitable academic qualifications" as requiring a Ph.D. or equivalent, and professorial experience.

In reply to a question regarding the allocation of the NSERC funds, M. Leiter confirmed that no mechanism for doing so is established at this time.

 2) Business Arising from the 
   a) Research & Graduate 
      Studies Committee - 
      Dismissal of Graduate 
      Student Policy 


It was moved by R. Perrins and seconded by S. Sansonetti that the following provision become policy and be added to the Graduate Studies Calendar:  that a student may be dismissed from his/her graduate program if the Senate Committee on Research & Graduate Studies deems that the department or school in which he/she is enrolled has exhausted all relevant avenues for supervision of a student.  This action can only be taken by the Dean of the Division of Research & Graduate Studies after a full hearing by the Senate Committee on Research & Graduate Studies, and after consultation with the Head of the Department or School, the Graduate Co-ordinator of the Department or School, and the student in question.

R. Perrins spoke to this motion, noting there is no mechanism within an academic unit for removing from a program a student who has gone through a number of supervisors and exhausted all opportunities for supervision within that unit.

A friendly amendment by D. Looker was accepted and is reflected in the above motion.

In reply to a query from G. Pyrcz, R. Perrins stated this policy is not retroactive.  Discussion followed concerning whether a unit would be obliged to find a supervisor in another unit, or even outside the university.

It was moved by M. Leiter and seconded by T. Archibald that the motion be amended to read "relevant avenues for supervision of a student at Acadia University."

Discussion followed and it was pointed out that the amendment obliged units to look for a replacement supervisor within the University, but not outside of it.  On the other hand it does not prevent a unit from looking for a supervisor from another institution, if this is deemed appropriate.  The acceptance of this policy does not override the responsibility of units and R&GS to appropriately advise potential students of planned retirements or sabbatical leaves.



    b) Research and Graduate 
      Studies Committee - 
      Graduate Academic 
      Standing Policy 


It was moved by R. Perrins and seconded by S. Symons that the following item in the Graduate Studies Calendar will be amended as follows:

"Academic Standing: A student having grades lower than B- (70%) in more than one full program course (6h) or its equivalent is not permitted to continue in the graduate program."

To now read: "Academic Standing: A student having grades lower than B- (70%) in one full program course (6h) or its equivalent is not permitted to continue in the graduate program."


 5) Adjournment R. Proulx moved the meeting be adjourned.  It was 4:50 p.m.


D. Murphy, Recording Secretary