Acadia University Senate

SENATE MEETING OF 11 February 2002

A meeting of the Senate of Acadia University occurred on Monday,  11 February, 2002, beginning at
4:10 p.m. with Chair Ian Wilks presiding and 37 members present.
1) Minutes of the Meeting of 
14 January 2002

It was moved by R. Perrins and seconded by C. MacLatchy that the Minutes of 14 January 2002 be approved.


2) Announcements and
   a) From the Chair
      -re Regrets

      -re Today's Agenda

      -re Senate Membership

      -re Chair Letter to BOG re- 
          Graduate Teaching 



Regrets were received from S. Ash, B. Gullick, A. Irving, L. MacDonald, K. Ogilvie, G. Phillips, S. Phillips, B. Robertson, S. Roscoe, S. Symons, and T. Voss.

The Chair announced some possible additions to the agenda under Other Business:  a motion from the By-Laws Committee; two motions from the Research and Graduate Studies Committee; and an Annual Report from the Scholarship, Prizes, and Awards Committee.  He said that the proposed additions would actually appear on the agenda only if there were general consent to waiving notice of motion in each case. 

He introduced J. Helms-Mills who has been chosen by the Faculty of Professional Studies to serve on Senate until June 2003. 

He informed Senate of the contents of a letter dated 31 January 2002 (APPENDIX A), sent to G. Bishop, the Chair of the Board of Governors, concerning financial support for graduate students at Acadia.

    c) From the Vice-President 

M. Leiter reported that Acadia has received 1) a grant from the Canadian Institute for Health Research which will provide funds for faculty who are developing a proposal to the CIHR for research in that area; 2) a three-year grant from the Industrial Liaison Office of NSERC; 3) from the BOG, confirmation of the appointment of Bruce Matthews as Dean of Arts; and 4) from the BOG, approval of the change of title of Director of RGS to Dean of RGS.  A search committee for this position is being formed.  He closed by indicating that a search committee will be needed for the position of Registrar, since J. Cayford has announced her retirement, effective 30 June 2002.
 4) New Business
   a) Curriculum Committee - 
      Faculty of Arts
      (012-42-CRE) to 


It was moved by B. Matthews and seconded by D. Looker that the Faculty of Arts curriculum changes as attached to today's agenda be accepted.


      Faculty of Professional 
      Studies (012-47-CRE) to

This motion included additions as distributed (APPENDIX B).

It was moved by W. McLeod and seconded by G. Ness that the Faculty of Professional Studies curriculum changes as attached to today's agenda be accepted.

The Chair said that the motion covered curriculum changes presented in an additional document circulated by e-mail.

G. Ness noted a correction to be made on page 7 of the attachment to the agenda:  "Kine 3023 Training Methods should be Kine 4013 Training Methods".  In response to a question, he explained that the changes were required to bring up to date the recently reactivated Master of Recreation Management program.

G. Pyrcz proposed a friendly amendment, which was acceptable to the mover; the last item on the handout was changed to read:  "Students in the Master of Recreation Management program will complete the following."


 5) Other Business
   a) By-Laws Committee - Dean 
      of Research and Graduate 
      Studies (012-50-LAW)


There was no objection to dealing with this motion at this time.

It was moved by M. Grieve and seconded by G. Pyrcz that Senate accept the By-Laws Committee Report, circulated at this meeting (APPENDIX C), which recommends changes to the Constitution and By-Laws in light of Senate’s earlier decision to change the title “Director of Research and Graduate Studies” to “Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.” 


The Chair noted that the Senate Constitution and By-Laws is reprinted every two years (the next reprint will occur in August 2002), and that a detailed list of amendments is distributed to Senate every alternate year.  This task is the responsibility of the Recording Secretary.

    b) Research and Graduate 
      Studies Committee -

      Dismissal of Graduate 
      Student Policy

      Graduate Academic 
      Standing Policy 

There was opposition to considering two items from the RGSC without the usual notice of motion. 

As these items affect the content of the next graduate calendar, J. Cayford confirmed that the deadline for the calendar could be extended, especially as this publication is now available online.

Therefore R. Perrins presented the following items as notices of motion:

The following provision be added to the Graduate Studies Calendar:
"A student may be dismissed from their graduate program if the Senate Committee on Research and Graduate Studies deems that he/she has exhausted all avenues for supervision within the department or school in which he/she is enrolled.  This action can only be taken by the Dean of the Division of Research and Graduate Studies after a full hearing by the Senate Committee on Research and Graduate Studies, and after consultation with the Head of the Department or School, the Graduate Co-ordinator of the Department or School, and the student in question."  

That the following item in the Graduate Studies Calendar will be amended as follows:

"Academic Standing: A student having grades lower than B- (70%) in more than one full course (6h) or its equivalent is not permitted to continue in the graduate program."

To read: "Academic Standing: A student having grades lower than B- (70%) in one full  course (6h) or its equivalent is not permitted to continue in the graduate program."

G. Pyrcz asked that all agendas and supporting documents be electronically sent to all Acadia Faculty members.

   c) 2000-2001 Annual Report 
      of Scholarships, Prizes and 
      Awards Committee 


It was moved by A. Mitchell and seconded by R. Perrins that the Annual Report of the Senate Scholarships, Prizes, and Awards Committee for 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2001, dated 4 February 2002, be received (APPENDIX D).

See amendment to this paragraph in 11 March 2002 Minutes.
In reply to a request from G. Pyrcz, P. Cook explained Item #1 of Page 2:  this proposal, she said, came forward on the premise that there would be no additional funds available.  She noted that extra money from the BOG last year made it possible to have a higher over-all payout of student awards than was the case the year before, and added that the fund for entrance scholarships is healthy and that any request to BOG should indicate a specific need.

A. Mitchell confirmed that this committee has approached the BOG with the need for more funding; support from the Senate in this endeavour is appreciated by the Committee.  He explained that the money in Item #10 allows for approximately 10 scholarships per faculty.

 5) Adjournment R. Perrins moved that the meeting be adjourned.  It was 4:45 p.m.

D. Murphy, Recording Secretary