Acadia University Senate


A meeting of the Senate of Acadia University occurred on Tuesday, 10 October 2000, beginning at
4:08 p.m. with Chair Ian Wilks presiding and 35 members present.
1) Minutes of the Meeting of 
     11 September 2000

It was moved by G. Ness, seconded by R. Perrins that the Minutes of 11 September 2000 be approved.


2) Announcements and   
    a) From the Chair      
        -re regrets


Regrets were received from S. Ash, S. Deaton, A. Irving, D. Looker, C. MacLatchy, L. McDonald, W. McLeod, R. Morrison.

       -re Agenda             I. Wilks announced that item 4)a) would be held over to the next meeting of Senate.  There has been a recent initiative from the Archives Committee to resolve a key issue in the By-Laws Committee’s “Proposals for Senate Archives Committee.”  The By-Laws Committee will defer bringing its proposals before Senate pending the outcome of this initiative.  I. Wilks read a communication from M. Grieve, chair of the By-Laws Committee, to this effect (APPENDIX  A).

I. Wilks announced that an item would be coming forward today under “Other Business”; this would involve a motion that Senate note an error in the approved Minutes arising from the November 1999 meeting.

       -re Distribution of the Senate  
            Minutes and Agendas

I. Wilks communicated to Senate G. Pyrcz’s suggestion that the pending agendas and the most recently approved minutes be distributed to all faculty by e-mail.  This would be done each month by the Recording Secretary of Senate.  There was unanimous agreement with this suggestion.
       -re Letter to Board of        

I. Wilks gave a synopsis of a letter from himself to G. Bishop, Chair of the Board of Governors, in which he noted recent Senate motions on the issue of Board re-structuring (APPENDIX B).
    b) From the President 
        -re Nova Scotia Advisory  
             Board   of Colleges and  

       -re Honorary Degrees           


K. Ogilvie brought to the attention of Senators a letter from the NS Minister of Education announcing the creation of a new body, the Nova Scotia Advisory Board of Colleges and Universities, to replace the Nova Scotia Council of Higher Education (APPENDIX C).  The President asked that any issue which he himself or the V-P (Academic) should be aware of be brought to their attention in connection with this announcement.

G. Pyrcz asked the President to outline the selection procedure used by the Honorary Degrees Committee and publish it to the university community.  K. Ogilvie agreed to do so.

    c) Vice-President (Academic)      
        -re Academic Sector Planning 
M. Leiter reported the Academic Sector Planning Committee is currently dealing with the following matters: 1) The planning document which was presented to Senate last year, in connection with which a number of task forces are being set up to focus on specific academic areas;  2) The Acadia University Institutional Research Plan which was developed over the summer and submitted to the Canada Research Chair Program the end of August.  It is the first draft of what will be an ongoing document for the University describing what the research focus of Acadia is.  Copies were on hand and may also be obtained from the V-P(A) web page.  In reply to a later question from D. MacKinnon, M. Leiter replied that this document was handed out for the information of Senators and if desired it may be discussed at the next meeting of Senate;  3) The Academic Program Review Committee, which has brought in a team to do the cluster review of Sociology, Economics, and Political Science.  Next to come will be an academic review of the Division of Continuing and Distance Education, for which reviewers have now been identified; 4) The Literacy Testing Program, which is ongoing.  Test results this year are similar to those scored last year.
   d) Nominating Committee P. Cabilio reported that the Nominating Committee met on October 2 to determine which positions on the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Role of the Senate Library Committee needed to be filled.  There are currently two positions open, both for students; this matter has been referred to the SRC.  
3) Approval of List of Graduates 
     for the Convocation of October 
     2000 (001-05-CON)
J. Cayford presented the List of Graduates for the Convocation of October 2000 (APPENDIX D).  It was moved by M. Leiter, seconded by T. Regan that the List of Graduates for the Convocation of October 2000 be approved.This list was reviewed by Senators, and two changes were suggested:   under Master of Education A. MacDougall was removed; and under Bachelor of Computer Science G. Bowering was added.


It was moved by M. Leiter, seconded by B. Moody that any candidate for an Acadia degree, diploma or certificate who should receive a grade or otherwise qualify or be disqualified between this Senate meeting and the forthcoming Convocation, shall be considered by the Chair of the Admissions and Academic Standing Committee, the appropriate Dean and the Registrar, acting as an ad hoc committee of the Senate, they having the power to make consequential amendments to the graduation list.


4) Business Arising from the 
    a) By-Laws Committee- 
        Proposals for Archive 
        Committee  (990-76-LAW) 



5) New Business   
    a) V-P (Academic)-Revisions to 
        "Release of Information about 
         Students" (001-06-VPA)


It was moved by M. Leiter, seconded by T. Regan  that whereas the provisions of the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act will apply to universities effective November 23, 2000, the Senate document “Release of Information about Students” be amended to comply with this Act as attached to this meeting's agenda.

I. Wilks indicated that this document appears in the university calendar.

M. Leiter spoke to this motion, outlining the need to determine what sorts of student information should be freely available to the public on request, and what sorts should be withheld to protect privacy.  Generally, our current procedures are in line with the expectations established in this legislation, but some changes are needed to bring those procedures into full compliance.  There is currently a university committee looking into FOI-POP issues and this motion is a result of its deliberations.

S. Symons asked if this right to consent to release information applies to students under 18 years of age.  G. Ness asked if the second last paragraph on first page meant that minors could restrict their parents from having access to their records.  J. Cayford replied that an answer to this was not clear at this time; the matter will be investigated and the result will be shared with Senators when known.  But whatever is determined, University regulations must be in accordance with provincial legislation.

It was clarified that the obligation to retain all examination papers for one year remains unchanged.  

G. Ness asked for clarification of section 1a) of this attachment.  J. Cayford replied that this concerns letters of recommendation submitted in support of an application to an academic program.

J. Cayford replied to a question from G. Pyrcz that section 2) does include the Department of Safety and Security employees and "institutional interest" refers to "in the interest of the University".  The decision as to whether a request for information is in the interest of the university can be made by the Freedom of Information Officer, who is Irene Armstrong. Any requests under FOI-POP are to be channelled through her.

I. Wilks suggested that the second last paragraph of the proposed regulations be indented and labelled “e” in order to identify it as one of five parts falling under section 3) of the regulations.  The mover of the motion agreed to this change.  


6) a) Research Ethics Board-Correction 
        to Senate By-Laws Numbering      

It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by M. Leiter that it be recorded that reference to the Research Ethics Board in the Senate Minutes of 8 November 1999 on should use the designation “ VIII(g)”.

R. Perrins noted this correction has been made in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Senate of Acadia University dated 15 August 2000.


7)  Adjournment D. MacKinnon moved this meeting adjourn.  It was 4:55 p.m.