Acadia University Senate

A meeting of the Senate of Acadia University occurred on Tuesday, 8 November, 1999, beginning at 4:08 p.m. with Maurice Tugwell presiding and 35 members present.
1)Announcements and Communications
a) From the Chair
-re Remembrance

-re regrets

-re ASU President as member of Senate
A moment of silence was given in observance of Remembrance Day 1999 and in observance of the death of student John H. Robinson earlier this week.

Regrets were received from D. Andersen, J. DeWolfe, G. Draper, B. Griffith, A. Irving, , J. Le, L. McQueen, K. Ogilvie, D. Retson, J. Sacouman, and A Trudel.

M. Tugwell welcomed new senator Stew Langille, President of Acadia Student Union and read communication approving the addition of ASU President as a non-voting member of the Senate (APPENDIX A).


-re Agenda
a) Items Under New Business

b) Items Under Other Business

The Chair noted attachment for 4)a) and 4)b) of agenda were to be replaced with updated versions which were distributed.

Added under 'Other Business' were the following:
a) Secretary to Senate, J. Cayford to report on membership of the Senate Nominating Committee.

b) P. Cabilio has a notice of motion.

c) Nominating Committee - Nomination for By-Laws Committee


2) Minutes of the Meeting of 12 October, 1999

It was moved by J. MacLeod, seconded by M. Leiter that the minutes of 12 October, 1999 be approved.

Following corrections to these minutes were noted:

page 2 - re Acadia University in 2006 AD - paragraph two - sentence five should read: "This document is four years old and it is the Chair’s understanding that it has had the consideration of the whole academic community.

page 5 - re Full-Image Journals at the Vaughan Memorial Library - last paragraph - last sentence should read "This is the direction which academic publishing is taking and faculty are encouraged to give input into such proposals.



-re Electronic Distribution of Minutes (990-18-SEN)

G. Pyrcz asked and it was agreed to electronically distribute approved minutes of Senate meetings directly to all members of faculty of Acadia University and any other who wished such a record. This would be instead of going directly to the departments.


b) From the Vice-President (Academic)

M. Leiter commented on the MacLean Magazine University Rating which overall indicated Acadia University did very well under quality of students, quality of faculty, quality of library, and reputation across the country. A weakness was indicated under finances.


3) Business Arising from the Minutes
a) Research & Graduate Studies Committee - Recommendations on Report on School of Education Graduate Programme (990-04-RGS)

It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by W. McLeod that the specific recommendations from the Senate Committee on Research and Graduate Studies as attached to this meeting’s agenda be adopted by the Acadia University Senate.

It was moved by D. Looker, seconded by P. O’Neill that the meeting move into Committee of the Whole.


It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by W. McLeod that Recommendation #1 - "That it is crucial that control over issues relating to pedagogical concerns should rest with the School of Education," be accepted.

It was moved by M. Leiter, seconded by D. Looker that the phrase ‘within the context of Senate policy’ be added to the end of this recommendation.


In reply to a query from the floor, R. Perrins clarified that this recommendation left all areas of teaching to the School of Education. Concerning the relationship between the School of Education and Continuing Education, it was also clarified that issues concerning class and courses rests with the School of Education and administration for part-time courses rests with Continuing Education. N. VanWagoner noted for information that Continuing Education can offer only programs that have been approved by the School of Education.


It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by D. MacKinnon that Recommendation #2 - "That graduate education be recognized as integral to the mission of the School of Education, and that the resources necessary for its development be allocated in a transparent fashion," be accepted.

R. Perrins commented that the intent of this motion is to provide a clear accounting of the resources coming in to the University from the government to keep the School of Education running effectively.


It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by D. MacKinnon that Recommendation #3 - "That the School of Education assign more tenured or tenure-track faculty members to the teaching of courses in the graduate programme," be accepted.

R. Perrins commented that this recommendation addresses what is an internal issue which in future will be followed as a matter of policy. D. MacKinnon added that all the recommendations in this report are currently being dealt with in anticipation of the Senate’s acceptance of this report. Discussion followed regarding the appropriateness of this recommendation being authorized by Senate rather than being left to the Department.

It was moved by P. Cabilio, seconded by D. Looker that this recommendation #3 be amended to read "Senate notes the recommendation that the School of Education assign more tenured or tenure-track faculty members to the teaching of courses in the graduate programme and refers this recommendation to the School of Education for its consideration.



It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by D. MacKinnon that Recommendation #4 - "That part-time faculty members hired to teach a graduate-level course have research based graduate degrees." and Recommendation #7 - "That efforts be undertaken to increase funding for graduate students in order for excellent and qualified students to receive teaching assistantships and research assistantships." be accepted.

It was moved by P. Cabilio, seconded by D. Looker that recommendation #4 be amended to read "Senate notes the recommendation that part-time faculty members hired to teach a graduate-level course have research based graduate degrees and refers this recommendation to the School of Education for its consideration. Also that recommendation #7 be amended to read "Senate notes the recommendation that efforts be undertaken to increase funding for graduate students in order for excellent and qualified students to receive teaching assistantships and research assistantships and refers this recommendation to the School of Education for its consideration.



It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by D. MacKinnon that Recommendation #5 - "That the programmes in Curriculum Studies and School Leadership be focused and shortened in order to bring them into line with similar programmes in the province." and Recommendation #6 - "That a ‘project’ option that would be acceptable to MPHEC, the School of Education, and the Senate of Acadia University, be made available in the M.Ed. programme." be accepted.

A correction was made to #6 which should read "acceptable to NSCHE, the School….."

It was moved by P. Cabilio, seconded by D. Looker that recommendation #5 be amended to read "Senate notes the recommendation that the programmes in Curriculum Studies and School Leadership be focused and shortened in order to bring them in line with similar programmes in the province and refers this recommendation to the School of Education for its consideration. Also that recommendation #6 be amended to read "Senate notes the recommendation that a ‘project’ option that would be acceptable to NSCHE, the School of Education, and the Senate of Acadia University, be made available in the M.Ed. programme and refers this recommendation to the School of Education for its consideration.



It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by D. MacKinnon that Recommendation #8 - "That there be no distinction between part-time and full-time courses, and that all graduate courses be made available to both full-time and part-time students," be accepted.

It was moved by P. Cabilio, seconded by D. Looker that recommendation #8 be amended to read "Senate notes the recommendation that there be no distinction between part-time and full-time courses, and that all graduate courses be made available to both full-time and part-time students and refers this recommendation to the School of Education for its consideration.



It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by B. Moody that Recommendation #9 - " That the Senate Committee on Research and Graduate Studies will continue to monitor the implementation of the recommendations listed above," be accepted.

It was moved by R. Perrins, seconded by D. MacKinnon that this motion read " will continue to monitor the progress of …"



It was moved by D. Looker, seconded by R. Perrins that Senate move out of Committee of the Whole.




b) Research & Graduate Studies Committee - Progress Report of Working Committee for Research Ethics Board.

As this item was redundant given the ‘New Business’ items 4)a) and 4)b) and because of the urgency with regards to the Research Ethics Board beginning its business, the chair continued the meeting with item 4)b) after obtaining the agreement of Senators.


4) New Business
b) Research & Graduate Studies Committee - Membership Slate for the Research Ethics Board (REB)

As was noted under ‘Communications from the Chair’, attachments 4)a) and 4)b) to the agenda were replaced. The new versions were distributed and a change was made to the last page of the item entitled "Membership Slate for the Research Ethics Board (REB). The last phrase in the motion was removed and the following added "These members would be fulfilling the role as outlined by the REB structure which was passed last January". (APPENDIX B)

It is moved by R. Perrins, seconded by P. O’Neill that whereas Acadia University is required to comply with the Tri-Council Policy Statement entitled, "Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans" (August 1998), the Senate Committee on Research and Graduate Studies presents the following slate of candidates to fill the positions on Acadia’s Research Ethics Board (REB). These members would be fulfilling the role as outlined by the REB structure which was passed last January. Robert Perrins , Co-Director of Research and Graduate Studies (non-voting); Stephen Maitzen, Philosophy Department, faculty member knowledgeable in ethics [Chair] (3-year term); Allen Chong, Political Science Department, Faculty of Arts (3-year term); Doug Symons, Psychology Department, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science (1-year term); Rene Murphy, Kinesiology Department, Faculty of Professional Studies (2-year term); Elizabeth Adamson, community member (2-year); Peter Nathanson, community member with legal knowledge (3-year term); and a Graduate Student Representative (non-voting) to be nominated by the Students Representative Council (SRC).

R. Perrins spoke to this item and to the need to have a Research Ethics Board up and running immediately. The deadline to have this board in place was September 1999.

P. O’Neill noted that the spirit of Notice of Motion is there as this material was circulated in the required time, even though Senate was not able to act upon it. Once the nomination slate for Acadia University’s Research Ethic Board (REB) is accepted by Senate, and the REB is duly constituted, the procedure set down by the Tri-Council guidelines will be followed rather than each department doing a review.



3) Business Arising from the Minutes
c) Library Committee - Recommendations on the proposal to shift from acquisition of print journals to electronic journals


There was no report available.


Change in Thesis Handling Procedure (990-02-HON) J. Cayford reported that each honours thesis will be reviewed by an Honours Committee member or a faculty member designated by the Honours Committee.

P. O’Neill commented that in the past, faculty members were designated to read a number of thesis equal to the number of honours students supervised while at the same time colleagues who supervised no students were not required to read any honours thesis. He felt this was unfair.

J. Cayford replied that the Honours Committee was aware of these issues and is working on trying to find an arrangement that is more equitable.

D. Looker asked if the thesis would be reviewed by the Honours Committee after the reader has returned comments. J. Cayford replied this delay could be avoided if honours students, their supervisors, and readers for the honours committee corrected formatting errors prior to the final approval by the honours committee.


4) New Business a) Research & Graduate Studies Committee - Notification of change of By-Laws

R. Perrins indicated corrections to new version (APPENDIX C) handed out at this meeting as follows:

Proposed amended working (changes appear in boldface type):

VII (f) iii. Quorum for meetings of the Research Ethics Board shall be set at four.

Proposed amended working (changes appear in boldface type): VII(f) iii. Quorum for meetings of the Research Ethics Board shall be set at four voting members, one of which must be one of the two community members.

Last page of handout - Final Version for the Bylaws of Senate: VII(f)iii. Quorum for meetings of the Research Ethics Board shall be set at four voting members, one of which must be one of the two community members.


5) Other Business
a) Nomination Committee - Membership (990-16-LAW)
J. Cayford requested on behalf of the Nomination Committee an interpretation of the By-Laws from the By-Laws Committee for the following: Currently the Nomination Committee is made up of the President, one faculty representative nominated by and elected by each faculty, and one Senator from each faculty elected by the Senate. There is no designated student representative on this committee. The question concerned the Senate representative and whether one of the ASU Senate members would be eligible to hold one of the senator positions representing a faculty. Similarly there was the question of whether the ASU Vice-President (Academic) could represent one of the faculties as well.

It was agreed that this matter would be referred to the By-Laws Committee for interpretation.


b) Nomination Committee - Replacement on By-Laws Committee
Further to the last Senate meeting, P. Cabilio on behalf of the Nomination Committee brought forward the name of Andrew Mitchell as replacement for M. Peach on the By-Laws Committee. Having called for further nominations three times, the Chair declared A. Mitchell a member of the Senate By-Laws Committee.


c) Review of the Division of Continuing and Distince Education P. Taylor asked for an update on an item from the Senate minutes of 8 March 1999 regarding the notice of motion requesting a formal review of the Division of Continuing and Distance Education. M. Leiter replied that more on this item will be available at the next meeting of Senate.


d) Alcohol Abuse by Student Body - Notice of Motion (990-17-MISC) The following notice of motion was given by P. Cabilio:

Be it resolved that the Senate of Acadia University deplore the culture of alcohol abuse that has increasingly permeated the student body, beginning with student orientation and continuing through countless organized activities in which alcohol plays the dominant role.

Be it further resolved that the Administration and the Acadia Student Union be urged to take immediate and meaningful action to curb this excess. Such action shall include:
1. An elimination of Acadia Student Union or Acadia University sponsorship or encouragement, tacit or otherwise, of alcohol related student activities.

2. An active education program directed at new and continuing students on the emotional, physical, social and intellectual consequences of continued alcohol abuse.

3. Provision of an on-campus counselling/therapy program directed to student alcohol abusers, and institution of an active campaign to induce those needing help to enrol in such a program.

4. Increased co-operation with the Town of Wolfville to control and eliminate student drunken rowdiness which is the cause of despair and anger among many residents of the town, and which has seriously damaged the reputation of Acadia University and its students.

W. Cox asked the mover of this motion to check whether this motion falls within the jurisdiction of the Senate.


6) Adjournment

R. Perrins moved this meeting adjourn. It was 5:34 p.m.