A meeting of the Senate of Acadia University occurred
on Monday, 10 May 2000, beginning at
10: 11 a.m. with Chair Maurice Tugwell presiding and
37 members present.
1) Minutes of the Meeting of 10 April 2000 |
It was moved by J. Sacouman and seconded by L. McDonald that the minutes of 10 April 2000 be approved.R. Davies asked that an amendment be made to page 4, item 3)d), paragraph 3, second sentence. Let it read "He felt that the Board had decided to move into a 'Policy Governance' mode without entering into any detailed discussion of their new mode of operation with the other body in the university that was entitled by law to discuss and develop educational policy at Acadia University". The change was agreed to. MOTION CARRIED.
2) Announcements and Communications
b) From the Chair -re welcome |
M. Tugwell welcomed Ruth Petrykanyn, Acadia Student Union President
and Patrick Myers, Graduate Student Representative to Senate.
-re Order of Agenda | It was agreed to move item 3 to the top of the
3) Approval of List of Graduates for the
Convocation of May 2000 (90-73-CON) |
The list of potential graduates for the Convocation of May 2000 was
distributed and examined by degree category for errors (APPENDIX A).It
was moved by M. Leiter and seconded by T. Regan that the List of Graduates
for the Convocation of May 2000 be accepted.J. Cayford advised there were
three instances of the B/D rule invoked for this convocation. This
rule states “a student who gets D+ in a major or minor course in the final
set of exams who has a counteracting B in the same subject may be permitted
to graduate with that deficiency”.She also advised there were nine students
who will not graduate because of debt owing to the university in excess
of $100.MOTION CARRIED.It was moved by M. Leiter and seconded by B. Moody
that any candidate for an Acadia degree, diploma or certificate who should
receive a grade or otherwise qualify or be disqualified, between this Senate
meeting and the forthcoming Convocations, shall be considered by the Chair
of the Admissions and Academic Standing Committee, the appropriate Dean
and the Registrar, acting as an ad hoc committee of the Senate they having
the power to make consequential amendments to the graduation list.
2) b) From the Chair (Cont'd)
-re regrets |
Regrets were received from P. Cook, M. Gibson, A. Irving, E. Johnson, J. McLeod, L. McQueen, R. Morrison, and M. Nugent. |
-re Governance
of Acadia University
(990-64-GOV) |
The Chair read a letter from Mr. David Morse, MLA Kings South, dated 3 May 2000 regarding Public Hearings on proposed changes to Bill 44, Governance of Acadia University (APPENDIX B). This letter was a reply to the Chair's letter of 19 April 2000 to politicians (APPENDIX C). |
c) From the President | K. Ogilvie explained the move to establish a
topographical plan of the campus outlining the history, size, and character
of its development. It would allow comparison with similar campuses.
Such a plan is to be presented by Robert A.M. Stern Architects on 17 May
2000. All are welcome.The President expressed his pleasure on the
number of press commentaries on the importance of a broad, liberal education
which have been coming out from a variety of sources in the past two or
three months. This has been a planned move on the part of academic
leaders to have the business community recognize the importance of liberal
education.K. Ogilvie updated Senators on the issue of the federal government's
program to establish Millennium Chairs at various Canadian universities.
Acadia has been awarded seven chairs, three are tier one and four are tier
two.G. Pyrcz asked the President for clarification on the selection of
candidates for honorary degrees. The President replied the Honorary
Degrees Committee puts forward to Senate those names that are recommended
and fit the parameters as required. A 2/3 majority of Senate is needed
for a candidate to go on the approved list. Only after this approval,
is a candidate approached and offered an honorary degree. It is likely
that a proposed candidate may be on a list for more than one year.
G. Pyrcz suggested the by-laws needed to be changed to reflect this procedure,
as they state that "an agreed number shall be selected for recommendation
to Senate for degrees to be awarded during the next calendar year."
D. Looker commented that the President traditionally reported on the activities
of the Board of Governors and asked if he would report on the response
of the Board of Governors on Senate concerns. K. Ogilvie replied
he did not believe the president automatically reported on matters of the
Board to Senate, nor did he represent Senate at the Board of Governors.
In regards to Senate's views on the matter of Acadia's Governance, a letter
of concern from the Chair of Senate was given to each governor. J.
Boyd agreed that this item was passed to individual board members therefore
a motion from a Senate representative on the board was not necessary.
D. Looker believed the President is the link between Senate and the Board
of Governors and was disappointed that the concerns of Senate were not
being voiced at the Board level.
d) From the Vice-President
(Academic) -re V-P Membership on the Board of Governors |
Further to the above discussion, M. Leiter clarified that the V-P Academic
is not an ongoing member of the Board of Governors.
a) Information concerning the
Faculty of Arts (990-69-ART) |
It was moved by T. Regan and seconded by R. Kehler that the Faculty of Arts Report to Senate dated 28 April 2000 be accepted. MOTION CARRIED.
4) Business Arising from the
Minutes a) Senate Library Committee - Arts Faculty Council Resolution Concerning the Senate Library Committee (990-19-CRE) |
This was deferred.
b) Curriculum Committee - Faculty
of Arts Spanish Major (990-64-CRE) |
It was moved by T. Regan and seconded by R. Kehler that this item as attached to this agenda be approved. MOTION CARRIED.
5) New Business
a) i) Nominating Committee - Report on Senate Vacancies (990-65-NOM) |
It was moved by P. Corkum and seconded by T. Regan that the following
as per the committee's report attached to the April minutes, be accepted:
ii) Senate Secretary
- Report on
Senate Vacancies (990-70-SEC) |
It was moved by T. Regan and seconded by P. O'Neill that the report on Senate and Senate Committee Vacancies as attached to this agenda be accepted. MOTION CARRIED.
b) 1999-00 Annual Reports of
Committees (990-71-REP) i) Research and Graduate Studies Committee ii) Curriculum Committee
iii) By-Laws Committee
iv) Honorary Degrees Committee
v) Honours Committee
vi) Academic Program Review
vii) Timetable, Instruction Hours
viii) University Planning
ix) Library Committee
x) Archives Committee xi) Admission and Academic
xii) Board of Continuing
It was moved by R. Perrins and seconded by D. Looker that the Research and Graduate Studies Committee Report as attached to the agenda be received. MOTION CARRIED. It was moved by D. Looker and seconded by M. Leiter that the Curriculum Committee Report as attached to the agenda be received. MOTION CARRIED. It was moved by M. Grieve and seconded by B. Moody that the By-Laws Committee Report as attached to the agenda be received. MOTION CARRIED. It was moved by K. Ogilvie and seconded by B. Griffith that the Honorary Degrees Committee Report as attached to the agenda be received. MOTION CARRIED. It was moved by R. Perrins and seconded by P. O'Neill that the Honours Committee Report as attached to the agenda be received. On behalf of the Honours Committee, J. Cayford expressed thanks to all those who read thesis and helped the procedure move along so smoothly. P. O'Neill thanked J. Cayford and the Honours Committee for following through with his request to limit readers to one thesis reading regardless of number of honour students supervised. MOTION CARRIED. It was moved by M. Leiter and seconded by P. Cabilio that the Academic Program Review Committee Report as attached to the agenda be received. D. Looker inquired about the structure for the review of the Division of Continuing and Distance Education and whether academic views would be considered. M. Leiter replied the review is still being planned. R. Davies asked if there are any findings to share on the grammar testing conducted. In regards to preliminary findings, M. Leiter commented that the instruments developed gave a broad distribution of results in the first year students and showed no difference in the grammar ability of fourth year students. The testing measure will be evaluated before continuing. MOTION CARRIED. It was moved by G. Ness and seconded by G. Pyrcz that the Timetable, Instruction Hours & Examination Committee Report as attached to the agenda be received. MOTION CARRIED. It was moved by K. Ogilvie and seconded by M. Leiter that the University Planning Committee Report as attached to the agenda be received. MOTION CARRIED. It was moved by R. Davies and seconded by B. Starzomski that the Library Committee Report as distributed at this meeting be accepted. (APPENDIX D) The Chair of this committee, Ralph Stewart was in attendance to answer questions pertaining to this report. Discussion was held regarding concern about the move to electronic journals, the permitting of food and drink in the library, the use of the library for a meeting place, and the lack of print journals available to students. Is the library a study area or a place of research? After much discussion it was felt that this committee lacked a definite or clear mandate. The Chair ruled that the many concerns of this committee should be addressed by Senate and would be dealt with further under 'other business'. MOTION CARRIED. No report available.
It was moved by M. Leiter and seconded by K. Ogilvie that the Admission and Academic Standing Committee (Appeals) Report as distributed at this meeting be accepted. (APPENDIX E) M. Leiter explained the procedure for bringing students back on appeal and stated the results of the program will be available soon. MOTION CARRIED.
It was moved by M. Leiter and seconded by N. Van Wagoner that the Board of Continuing Education Report as distributed at this meeting be accepted. (APPENDIX F) MOTION CARRIED. |
By-Laws Committee- University
Librarian's Proposals to change Senate By-Laws (990-75-LAW) By-Laws
Committee- Proposals
On behalf of the Senate By-Laws Committee, M. Grieve distributed its report on the University Librarian's proposals to change Senate By-Laws (APPENDIX G). This committee met with L. McQueen to discuss the proposed changes. In addition there was communication from other committees regarding this item and there was very little support for the proposals. The Librarian agreed to withdraw the request for more representation on Senate as well as the motion to change Senate's rules of procedure. Two issues, as listed on this report, remain outstanding. In the absence
of the librarian, the By-Laws Committee motions were left until the September
meeting of Senate.
M. Grieve asked Senators to give consideration to the proposals regarding
the Archives Committee (APPENDIX H), for the September meeting of Senate.
d) Academic Sector Planning
Committee - "Planning Issues for 2000" Report (990-77-ASPC) |
It was moved by M. Leiter and seconded by W. McLeod that the Academic Sector Planning Committee Report, "Planning Issues for 2000" as distributed at the April meeting of Senate, be accepted. R. Perrins spoke about concerns which Research and Graduate Studies had regarding the enrolment numbers in this document. It is unclear what the numbers represent. M. Leiter replied these accurately represented the enrolment numbers. Amendment from 11 September 2000 meeting: ADD “No formal motion was put to the committee regarding this issue”. D. Looker outlined problems with the split directorship of Research and Graduate Studies. How is this arrangement working overall? Will the V-P Academic discuss these concerns with the co-directors? M. Leiter replied it will be looked into. MOTION CARRIED.
e) Governance of Acadia University
Ad hoc Committee Report |
G. Pyrcz reported on the progress of the ad hoc committee to address the governance of Acadia University to date. Only three submissions have been received from Senators regarding this item. B. Griffith has resigned therefore it was requested that the Nomination Committee fill this vacancy. The composition of the committee is a member from each faculty plus a graduate student representative. |
f) Curriculum Committee - School
Education (990-72-CRE) |
It was moved by B. Griffith and seconded by W. McLeod that the proposed curriculum changes for the School of Education as attached to this agenda be accepted.MOTION CARRIED.It was moved by R. Kehler and seconded by G. Bissix that the new courses for Education as listed in the attachment to the agenda be accepted.MOTION CARRIED. |
6) Other Business
a) Senate Library Committee |
Further to discussion held in Item 5)b)ix), during the presentation of the Library Committee Annual Report, R. Stewart as committee chair was asked to speak on the state of this committee. He outlined the wide range of issues and areas of responsibility that
this committee deals with but had little authority or control over.
The main issues were:
R. Stewart suggested an ad hoc committee of Senate be formed to look at these issues and to define the role or mandate of this committee. He explained that within the committee there is some disagreement as to what direction should be taken on these issues. He felt an ad hoc committee could look at the situation and clearly define the mandate of the library committee. It was moved by D. Looker and seconded by R. Davies that Senate strike an ad hoc committee of six members - one from each faculty (including the Faculty of Theology), one SRC representative, and one graduate student representative to examine the role of the Senate Library Committee and its mandate then bring recommendations back to Senate. J. Cayford spoke as a member of the Academic Sector Planning Committee stating that there are a number of academic areas that have been identified, the library being one of them, for which a task force will be formed and open meetings will be held. Within the ASPC, examination of these issues are in the works and Senate may duplicate the ASPC efforts. M. Leiter confirmed that the ASPC is considering planning aspects in regards to the academic direction of the library. The library has over the years become the study space of choice and a meeting place for study groups, for many Acadia students for various reasons. The ASU as well as individual students have supported this move. One has to ask if this does not happen in the library where may it happen? There are many issues attached to this question such as what and how are these various needs going to be met and what facilities are needed? This issue has been out there amongst the academic community for a while and the ASPC is approaching it. This does not preclude the Senate also looking at the issue, but if the two bodies co-ordinated efforts with one another it would be beneficial. Discussion continued with various Senators expressing the need to look at the Senate Library Committee and define its mandate and give it the direction it needs. It was felt Senate should maintain its authority over the academic purposes of the library and by handing this task over to another body, may relinquish some of this authority. In conclusion, D. Looker clarified this ad hoc committee would not deal with any planning or review of library issues. Concern was expressed that the Librarian was not here to speak on this matter. It was moved by W. McLeod and seconded by J. DeWolfe that the motion be tabled. MOTION DEFEATED (12/10) P. Cabilio asked if a formal submission of concerns from the Library Committee could be expected. An ad hoc committee would have more freedom to clarify a mandate than the committee itself. MOTION CARRIED (19/5)
Expression of Thanks | M. Tugwell thanked those retiring from Senate
and Senate Committees, for their services, including Janet Eaton as community
representative (lay member).On behalf of all Senators, Dianne Looker expressed
a sincere thank you to Maurice Tugwell for a fine job done in his year
as Chair and for his sense of humour. There was a hearty round of
6) Adjournment | W. McLeod moved this meeting adjourn. It was 12:12 p.m. |