Acadia University Senate


A meeting of the Senate of Acadia University occurred on Tuesday, 11 October 2005, beginning at
4:07 p.m. with Chair Ian Wilks presiding and  members present.
1)   Minutes of the Meeting of
12 September 2005
It was moved by R. Perrins and seconded by R. Raeside that the minutes of Monday, 12 September 2005 be approved. 

2) Announcements and
   a) From the Chair
      -re Regrets
      -re Visitors
      -re Agenda
      -re Senate Membership
      - re Special Meeting on
        Strategic Planning Report
Regrets were received from P. Abela, G. Callon,  I. Irving, J. Masterson, S. Phillips, J. Roscoe, N. Van Wagoner, and G. Vaughan.
Guests in attendance at this meeting were:  Graham Daborn, Director, Academy of the Environment; and Shane Donovan, VP (Academic) Office.
The Chair indicated the following additions to the agenda: 4) Business Arising from the Minutes - a) Integrity Committee - Integrity & Students with Learning Disabilities; - b) By-Laws Committee - Guidelines for the Appointment of a Chancellor; - 5) Other Business - a) By-Laws Committee - Constitution of the Faculty of Acadia University; b) Research & Graduate Studies - Dean's Medal for Excellence.  It was agreed to add these items to the agenda.
I. Wilks expressed appreciation and thanks to Board of Governor Representative Janet Kirk who has completed a term on Senate this month.
It was agreed to hold a special discussion meeting of the Senate to consider the process and final report of the Strategic Plan.  This meeting will be held Monday, November 21st beginning at 4:00 p.m. in BAC 241.

   b) From the Vice-President
      -re Strategic Planning
      -re Academic Searches
R. Nilson noted that the final version of the Strategic Planning exercise has been distributed to the University community and the meeting on November 21, to review this with Senators, is appreciated.  Other sectors of the University are also reviewing the report.  An Institution Research Plan is also being developed and the VP encouraged Senators to become involved in this process.  Internationalization strategy continues to be developed as well as the IT sector. 
The search committees for the Dean of Arts and the Dean of R&GS have a short list.
He encouraged faculty to support the Fall Convocation this weekend.
R. Nilson confirmed he would be attending a Faculty Council meeting to address the Strategic Plan.

  c) From the President G. Dinter-Gottlieb advised that the Capital Campaign has almost reached $20 million and thanked faculty, staff, and students for their input and support.

    d) From the Registrar
      -re Final Registration
       Statistics (056-08-REG)
R. Jotcham referred to a handout on Final Registration Statistics for 2005 (APPENDIX A).

  3) Approval of List of
   Graduates for the Convocation
   of October 2005
It was moved by R. Nilson and seconded by G. Iwama that the List of Graduates for the Convocation of October 2005 as handed out at this meeting (APPENDIX B) be approved.
The convocation list was reviewed by section.
It was moved by R. Nilson and seconded by G. Iwama that any candidate for an Acadia degree, diploma or certificate who should receive a grade or otherwise qualify or be disqualified between this Senate meeting and the forthcoming Convocation, shall be considered by the Chair of the Admissions and Academic Standing Committee, the appropriate Dean and the Registrar, acting as an ad hoc committee of the Senate, they having the power to make consequential amendments to the graduation list.
The Chair commented on the importance of Senate's duty to ensure the proper academic functioning of Acadia in certain respects.  Just as the Board exists to ensure for the proper financial conduct of this institution, our job is to ensure its proper academic conduct.  This minimally requires Senate to guarantee: 1) that admission requirements are met, 2) that degree requirements are met, and 3) that graduation requirements are met.  This enabling motion might in effect vacate Senate's jurisdiction over graduation requirements. To guard against this, he asked that henceforth a brief, verbal report come to Senate, at the meeting following convocation, outlining any decisions taken on the bases of those powers conferred by the enabling motion.  Brief discussion was held regarding the recording of this report.  It was agreed that not all details of such a report would be noted in the Senate minutes.

  4) Business Arising from the
   a) Academic Integrity    
      Committee - Integrity &
      Students with Learning     
      Disabilities (056-01-INT)

It was moved by L. McDonald and seconded by S. Enman that the motion on  the issue of integrity and students with learning disabilities, tabled at the 12 September 2005 meeting of the Senate, be taken from the table.
This matter began by considering the motion to amend as per page 7 of previous minutes.
S. Markham-Starr spoke to this motion and felt the Senate Academic Integrity Committee, which deals with cheating and plagiarism, is not the committee to deal with this issue. 
Further discussion on this issue included:
· confirmation that the School of Theology would not automatically be included in this issue.  It would go before their Senate.
· belief that representatives from individual schools should be considered on the proposed committee, rather than individual faculties, as schools have different policies to handle students with disabilities. 
· reminder that a report as requested by Senate at the June 13, 2005 meeting is due in December, from the TIE Committee, on accommodations of students with learning disabilities.  Perhaps this motion should wait for that report.
It was moved by P. Cabilio and seconded A. Mitchell that this motion be tabled until the report is received from the Senate TIE Committee on this matter.
Chair reminded Senators that when this item is removed from the table, discussion will continue from this point.

 b) By-Laws Committee -
      Response to BOG
      Appointment and Renewal
      of a Chancellor

It was moved by P. Corkum and seconded by B. Matthews that the By-Laws Committee report as distributed for this meeting (APPENDIX C), on the proposed procedures for the appointment and renewal of a chancellor, be accepted.
P. Corkum thanked Senators for their response in answer to a request for input in this matter.  She noted that this item was a review of the appointment and renewal of a chancellor only.  This report contains suggested changes/recommendations to the BOG on their proposed procedure and is not meant to give the Board exact wording.
A friendly amendment was accepted:  second sentence of "Senate Response" on Pg 1 of report was removed.

  5) New Business
   a) Registrar - Nomination
      for Nominating Committee
It was moved by D. Brodeur and seconded by A. Mitchell that Susan Markham-Starr's nomination to the Senate Nominating Committee, as Faculty of Professional Studies Senator, be accepted.
The chair called for further nominations three times, and hearing none, declared nominations to be closed.

    b) Enrolment Matters
It was moved by G. Ness and seconded by W. McLeod that Senate directs the Senate Admissions and Academic Standing Committee (Policy) to invite the office of Enrolment Management to engage in ongoing dialogue and study of enrolment matters and report annually to Senate about its findings.  The AASC(P) shall determine the sequence and scope of their activities but should be guided as to topics and immediacy by input solicited from Senators in the form of questions, issues, comments and concerns about enrolment, recruitment, admission and retention strategies, policies, operating practices and related factors.
Brief discussion was held with following points:
· Many questions have arisen at Senate regarding enrolment; ie, what are enrolment targets based on?  Have enrolment patterns changed in recent years?  What is the impact on Internationalization?
· R. Nilson, as chair of this committee, welcomed opportunity to activate the AASC(P).  It is important for Senate to become involved and to understand the challenges, which exist for the University in relation to enrolment management.  This will enable an ongoing dialogue between Senate and Enrolment Management.  As a result Senators will be informed.
· This motion engages Senate in a sense of responsibility to Enrolment Management.
· It was noted that information sessions on this topic and others have been held this term.
· J. White noted that the AASC(P) is a committee which she would be interested in serving, even though there is not a position for a lay member.
· This motion is a wonderful opportunity for faculty to receive enrolment information; especially those who are not able to attend information sessions.

  6) Other Business
   a) Notice of Motion - Changes
      to the Constitution of the
      Faculty of Acadia
      University (056-11-FAU)

P. Corkum gave notice of motion regarding Senate approval to proposed changes to the current constitution of the Faculty of Acadia University (APPENDIX D).

   b) Research & Graduate
      Studies - Dean's Medal for 
      Excellence in Graduate
      Studies (056-12-RGS)
It was moved by W. Bedingfield that a Dean's Medal for Excellence in Graduate Studies be created (APPENDIX E).
It was the intent that this medal would be presented at one graduation and the Governor General's Award would be presented at the other graduation. 
As notice of motion was not waived, this item was not considered at this meeting.

7) Adjournment

A. Franceschet moved this meeting be adjourned.  It was 5:50 p.m.


D. Murphy, Recording Secretary

SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 4)b)
Proposed Wording
A. Term of Office
The Chancellor shall be appointed at the pleasure of the Board for an initial term of four years and may be eligible for re-appointment at the pleasure of the Board for such further terms as may be agreed by the Board and the Chancellor.
Senate Response:
        The duration of any re-appointment should be specified. It is suggested that the term be four years. The University needs to have flexibility to meet continual changes demanded by the economy and the environment in which it operates. A specified   term with the option to renew would allow the University and the Chancellor to revisit this position on a timely basis.
B. Renewal Procedures
At least six months before the expiry of the Chancellor’s term, the Executive Committee shall meet and consider whether to recommend to the Board the re-appointment of the Chancellor and if so, under what terms.
Senate Response:
        There appears to be a potential timing problem between B above and C below.  The Executive meets at least six months before the end of a term to consider if it will be the current Chancellor’s final term.  This is likely going to take some time and the decision/motion to be communicated to the Board has to have proper notice (possibly a month).  If the Executive actually convened at the six month deadline and recommended that the term not be renewed, it would not allow the Board to meet the five month deadline specified in C, below..
        In addition, it is advisable to have wording in B such that the Executive Committee consults with various stakeholders when making its deliberations.
C. Search Procedures
At least five months prior to the expiry of the Chancellor’s final term, or if for any reason the Chancellor is unable to fulfill the duties of office, the Board shall authorize the establishment of a University Committee to recommend the selection of Chancellor. The Committee shall have the following composition:
The Chair of the Board who shall chair the Committee
A Governor appointed by the Board
The President
A Vice-President, chosen by the Board
A member of Senate, chosen by Senate
A member of Faculty, chosen by Faculty
A member of the Alumni, chosen by the Associated Alumni
A student, chosen by the Students’ Representative Council
SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 4)b)
The Recording Secretary of the Board of Governors shall be the non-voting Secretary of the Search Committee and will send notices to the following organizations giving their members the opportunity to submit names to the Committee for consideration:
The Board of Governors
The Senate
The Faculties of Arts, Professional Studies, Pure and Applied Science and Theology
The Acadia Students’ Union
The Associated Alumni
The Chair, having first obtained the consent of the nominee, shall submit the Committee’s recommendation to the Board of Governors. The Board shall make the final decision on the appointment.
Senate Response:
        In the call for nominations, the proposed changes replace the Faculty Council (for Acadia at large) with the individual Faculties. Membership currently varies among the individual Faculties and also in comparison with Faculty Council (for Acadia at large). Amendments to these constitutions may further increase these differences.
         To ensure no group gets excluded in the call for suggested names to fill the position of Chancellor, it is suggested that the entire University Community get solicited or, at the very least, that Faculty Council (for Acadia at large) be added to the list. 
The Committee’s deliberations shall be confidential.

SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 6)a)
Key:  Crossed out – deleted, Yellow Highlight – changed/added
 (1992: Revised in 2005)
This constitution is written under the appropriate terms and conditions of an Act respecting Acadia University Chapter 113 (1968) of the Laws of Nova Scotia.  The act established the Faculty of the University and gives the Faculty a formal position within the structure of the University, with specific rights and duties to perform.  This Constitution is the formal instrument by which those rights and duties are to be carried to fruition.  This constitution, and any amendments thereto, are to be approved by the Senate.  However, it is implied hereunder that the Senate may take no other action with respect to this constitution or any amendments thereto.
I.    NAME
The name of the organization shall be known as the Faculty of Acadia University (referred to herein as “the Faculty”).
a)   the Faculty shall, at its discretion, give consideration and make recommendations to Senate on any and all matters pertaining to academic policy.
b)   the Faculty may, if it so desires, express opinions on all affairs of Acadia University (sometimes referred to herein as “the University”).
c)   the Faculty shall recommend to the Senate of Acadia University (sometimes referred to herein as “the Senate”) the names of all students who are to be admitted to graduate and undergraduate degrees and diplomas.
d)   the Faculty may, at the request of the Board of Governors or the Senate, carry out any duties or function which either of the aforesaid bodies may refer to it.
e)   the Faculty shall not carry on any venture for the purpose of financial gain for its members.
a)   All recognized members of the Faculty of Acadia University at the date of enactment of this Constitution shall be members.
b)   From and after the enactment of this Constitution, all full time and half time members of the Faculty of Acadia University shall be members.  For the purpose of this Constitution, a member of Faculty shall be considered to be a person who has an academic appointment at
SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 6) a)
Acadia University. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, but for further clarity, the President of the University, the Vice-President (Academic), the Vice-President Student Affairs, the Registrar, and all academic Deans and Academic Directors shall be members of Faculty.  Any questions of or pertaining to the rights of an individual to membership in the faculty shall be decided at the fall Faculty meeting of each year.  A person shall cease to be a member of the Faculty when he or she terminates his or her employment with Acadia University.  All members of Faculty on sabbatical leave, study leave, and leave of absence shall be considered to be members of Faculty, except that they may not serve on any committees of Faculty during their absence.
c)   All full-time professional librarians of the Acadia University Library shall be members of Faculty.
d)   All Demonstrators and Tutors Instructors, as defined in the Collective Agreement, shall be members of Faculty.
e)   The Director of the Art Gallery of Acadia University shall be a member of Faculty.
f)    The Director of Admissions and Student Assistance of Acadia University shall be a member of Faculty.
fg)  A student selected by the Students' Union shall be a regular voting member of Faculty.
gh) There shall be no membership fee or other dues of the Faculty, nor shall there be any form of admission fee.
IV.       THE YEAR
The year of the Faculty shall correspond to the academic year of Acadia
University, at present 1 July to 30 June next.
V.        OFFICERS
a)   There shall be elected from members of Faculty at the spring meeting of Faculty in each year the following officers to serve for the next academic year:
         1.   Chair
         2.   Vice Chair
         3.   Secretary
         4.   Elections Officer
a)   Officers of Faculty will consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Faculty Elections Officer.  The Faculty Elections Officer will conduct elections each May for the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary to serve for the next academic year. The Faculty Elections Officer will be elected annually by Senate.
SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 6) a)
b)   It shall be a duty of the Chair to preside over all meetings of Faculty as an impartial arbiter over debate.
c)   The Vice-Chair shall act as Deputy to the Chair and serve whenever the chair is prevented from so doing, or whenever the Chair wishes to participate in debate as an individual member of Faculty.
d)   No two offices of the Faculty may be held simultaneously by the same person.
e)   It shall be the duty of the Secretary to
         1)   record or have recorded, and distributed within seven days after meetings proper minutes of all Faculty meetings;
         2)   distribute notices of meetings and all information pertaining thereto;
         3)   carry out such other duties as may properly be construed to be within the jurisdiction of the office of Secretary.
a)   There shall be two regularly scheduled meetings of Faculty every year (one in the Spring and one in the Fall).  Also, the Faculty shall meet at the call of the Chair, or in his or her absence or indisposition, at the call of the Vice-Chair and the Secretary, or whenever twenty members of Faculty, in writing to the President Chair, request that a meeting be called.
b)   Procedure at all meetings of Faculty shall be guided by Roberts Rules of Order (latest edition).  The agenda, including all notices of motion (other than amendments to the constitution), shall be distributed to all members of Faculty seven days in advance of the meeting. A quorum shall be 65 members eligible to vote.
c)   All decisions made by Faculty prior to the coming into force of this Constitution and all Sections thereof, shall be binding upon the Faculty after the date of ratification of this Constitution.  Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, any previous action or decision of Faculty which is altered, amended, or repealed by anything which is written in any article of this Constitution shall, if it be in contravention of or repugnant to any part of this Constitution, be void when this Constitution is ratified.
d)   In the event that Faculty business cannot be dispatched due to lack of quorum, Senate is authorized to act in lieu of Faculty with respect to business necessary for the conduct of the University's operations.  In the event that Faculty elections cannot proceed due to lack of quorum, the Faculty Elections Officer is authorized to conduct a mail ballot.
d e)      The President shall be invited to address each regularly scheduled meeting of Faculty.
SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 6) a)
a)   The Faculty is not an incorporated entity.  Faculty's mailing address shall be The Secretary of the Faculty, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, B0P 1X0 B4P 2R6.
a)   There shall be three University Committees reporting for information to Faculty (Sabbatical Leave Committee, University Review Committee, and the University Appeals Committee).
b)   The functions of these committees and the terms and conditions of membership shall be in accordance with the terms of the prevailing Collective Agreement between the Board of Governors and the AUFA.
The Faculty may, by a majority vote of those present and voting, establish any number of ad hoc committees to study and report on any matter within the faculty's competence.  The membership for such committees shall be determined by faculty at the time the Committee is established.
At the Spring Faculty meeting of each year all on-going ad hoc committees and the elected Faculty representatives to the Board of Governors and the Sabbatical Leave, University Review and University Appeals Committee shall report, for information, in writing to Faculty on their activities.
a)   A member of Faculty shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by Faculty to act as the Elections Officer.  It will be his or her duty to set all the necessary dates for elections and to perform such other duties as may be necessary.  He or she may co-opt assistance whenever he or she so desires.  The term of office for the Elections Officer will be two years.
a)   It will be the duty of the Faculty Elections Officer to set all the necessary dates for elections and to perform such other duties as may be necessary.  He or she may co-opt assistance whenever he or she so desires.
b)   The Elections Officer shall be responsible for the election of Faculty representatives on the Sabbatical Leave and University Review Committee.  The terms and conditions of the prevailing Collective Agreement between the Board of Governors and The Acadia University Faculty Association The AUFA shall determine eligibility for membership on the Sabbatical Leave and the University Review Committee.
c)   The Elections Officer shall ensure that each of the three Faculty Councils elect a representative to the Board of Governors.  All members of Faculty shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Governors except those who, in any capacity regularly attend meetings of the
SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 6) a)
      Board of Governors (including the Executive Committee of the Board).  In addition the Elections Officer shall ensure that each of the Faculty Councils elect two representatives to the University Review Committee. (The terms and conditions of the Prevailing Collective Agreement between the Board of Governors and the Acadia University Faculty Association shall determine the eligibility for membership on the University Review Committee).
d)   Faculty elections will be by secret ballot and normally will be held in March and April of each year.
e)   The nomination of any and all candidates must be supported in writing by at least one full time member of Faculty.  Furthermore, all candidates must state in writing their willingness to offer, and if elected, to serve.
f)    All regular terms of office will be for three years.
gf)  If a member goes on leave or is otherwise unable to complete her or his term, a vacancy shall exist, and an election will be carried out with the winning candidate serving until the incumbent returns.
hg) Nominations shall not close until at least one week after the call for nominations has been circulated.  Elections shall not be inititated until at least one week after the call for nominations has been circulated. Elections shall then proceed.
ih)  All members of each Faculty Council shall be eligible to vote in elections for their respective representative to the Board of Governors.
      Only those members of Faculty who potentially fall under the purview of the Sabbatical Leave and the University Review Committees shall be eligible to vote in elections to these committees.
j i)  Each member of Faculty shall have as many votes as there are vacancies to be filled, but no Faculty member may give more than one vote to any one candidate.  Where voters cast fewer than the number of vacancies to be filled, such ballots will still be counted.
k j) Where there is a single vacancy to be filled, the winning candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast.
         1)   Where there is only a single nominee for the vacancy, that nominee is elected by acclamation.
         2)   Where there are two nominees, there shall be a single ballot to determine the winner.
         3)   Where there are three nominees and the leading candidate after the first ballot has not received a majority of the votes cast, there shall be a second ballot between the two leading candidates to determine the winner.
SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 6) a)
         4)   Where there are four or more nominees and the leading candidate after the first ballot has not received a majority of the votes cast, there shall be a second ballot between the three leading candidates.  If the leading candidate after the second ballot has not received a majority of the votes cast, there shall be a third ballot between the two leading candidates to determine the winner.
l k) Where there are two or more vacancies to be filled, the winning candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast.  A majority in such instances is the total number of votes divided by twice the total number of vacancies to be filled with the addition of one to the result.  If this final total is not a whole number, the next higher whole number is taken.
         1)   Where no candidates are elected after the first ballot, the second and, if necessary, subsequent ballots shall include one more candidate than there are vacancies to be filled.  Those candidates with the highest vote totals will be included on the second and subsequent ballots.
         2)   Where one or more candidates are elected after the first ballot, but one or more vacancies remain to be filled, the second and, if necessary, subsequent ballots shall include one more candidate than there are vacancies still to be filled.  Those candidates with the highest vote totals among the remaining candidates will be included on the second and subsequent ballots.
         3)   Where more candidates receive a majority of votes (as defined above) than vacancies exist, those candidates with the higher vote totals shall be declared elected.
         4)   Where there are two or more vacancies of different duration, those candidates who are elected on an earlier ballot or with more votes on the same ballot shall receive the longer term of office.
m l) The Election Officer shall not vote in Faculty elections except in order to break ties.
n  m) Electronic nominations and election processes under the auspices of the faculty elections officer, constitute sufficient means for nominations and secret ballots.
The faculty may, by special resolution which shall be distributed fourteen (14) days in advance of the next meeting of Faculty, amend or repeal any article of this Constitution provided that all amendments, either additions or deletions, are consistent with the statutes of Nova Scotia and more particularly Chapter 113 (1968) of the statutes of Nova Scotia.  All amendments to this Constitution must be approved by two-thirds of the Faculty present and voting, in the form of a special resolution before any such amendment comes into force.  A vote on any such amendment shall be conducted by secret ballot, unless the members present agree unanimously that a secret ballot is not necessary.
SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 6) a)
In all articles of this Constitution, the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular.  Whenever reference is made in this Constitution to any statute or selection thereof such reference shall be deemed to extend and apply to any amendment to or re-enactment of the said statute or section, as the case may be.
This Constitution, known as the "1992 Faculty Constitution" becomes effective on the first day of July 1992 and may be cited as the "1992 Faculty Constitution".
            This Constitution (revised Oct  2005), known as “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FACULTY OF ACADIA UNIVERSITY” becomes effective (date will be inserted based upon date approved through Senate) and may be cited as “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FACULTY OF ACADIA UNIVERSITY”

SenateMinutes/11Oct05/Item 6)b)
Proposed Award, Graduate Studies
The Dean’s Medal for Excellence in Graduate Studies
The Dean’s Medal for Excellence in Graduate Studies is awarded annually to a graduate student whose thesis and overall performance is judged the best of those who have completed their graduate program since the precious convocation.
The Dean’s Medal recipient is an automatic finalist in the competition for the Governor General’s Medal to be awarded at the following convocation.
The selection process for the Dean’s Medal is the same as the selection process for the Governor General’s Medal.
The Dean’s Medal for Excellence in Graduate Studies shall be awarded for the first time at the Fall, 2005 Convocation.