Acadia University Senate

SENATE MEETING OF 13 December 2004

A meeting of the Senate of Acadia University occurred on Monday, 13 December 2004, beginning at
9:45 a.m. with Chair Ian Wilks presiding and 41 members present.
1)   Minutes of the Meeting of
8 November 2004
It was moved by L. Oliver and seconded by J. Sumarah that the minutes of Monday, 8 November 2004 be approved. 

2) Announcements and
   a) From the Chair
      -re Regrets
      - re Guests
      -re Agenda

Regrets were received from P. Abela, A. Buote, R. Conrod, B. Latta, L. McDonald, R. Perrins, E. Nahm, S. Phillips, J. Tillotson, and G. Vaughan.
I. Wilkes welcomed the following guests:  W. Bedingfield, G. Daborn, and Greg Pyrcz; who will take part in the In-Service following this meeting, and Shane Donovan.
The Chair noted a request has been received to move item 4)e) Curriculum Committee Changes - forward in today's agenda.  There was no objection to do so.
   b) From the Vice-President

Dr. Nilson wished both faculty and students well during this examination period.

  4) e) New Business
      Curriculum Committee-
      Course changes in Faculty
      of Arts (045-09-CRE to
      -re Procedures for
          Curriculum Changes
      -re Un-offered Courses
As agreed, item 4)e) was brought forward on the agenda.
It was moved by B. Matthews and seconded by R. Cunningham that the curriculum changes, as distributed for today's meeting, for the Faculty of Arts, be accepted.
R. Jotcham, confirmed that the Curriculum Committee have additional changes to consider and will bring them forward at the next meeting of the Senate.  She reminded Senators that any proposals for curriculum change are to be sent to the Curriculum Committee by the department putting forward the proposed changes.  These proposals are to be sent to this committee electronically as well as ten paper copies; after such changes have been approved by the Faculty Council concerned.
Discussion followed regarding courses listed, but not actually offered in the university calendar.  G. Dinter-Gottlieb asked what process is in place to review any courses not offered year after year.  She felt there were legal implications to having courses listed in the university calendar but not offered.  The policy is that whenever a new course is added, an old one is dropped so that the number of credit hours offered by a unit remains constant.  Perhaps a separate document is needed to list these courses, and the calendar only list those actually offered.  It was feared that once a course was removed from the calendar, it would be difficult to return it. 
In the opinion of one Senator, the lack of flexibility in choosing electives has hindered our students and restricted a liberal education.  Double majors have become difficult.  This is an issue for the Curriculum Committee to address.  It was felt this issue should begin by defining 'liberal education'.  It was clarified that the number of credit hours required for a major and a minor degree was currently determined by the individual programs.  Internal course requirement structure is fine, but external consideration necessary for those who may be furthering their education.  Academic advising is an important factor in this consideration.

      Course changes in Faculty
      of Pure and Applied Science
      (045-13-CRE to


It was moved by G. Iwama and seconded by L. Oliver that the curriculum changes, as distributed for today's meeting, for the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, be accepted.

       Course changes in Faculty
      of Professional Studies
      (045-18-CRE to
It was moved by W. McLeod and seconded by G. Bissix that the curriculum changes, as distributed for today's meeting, for the Faculty of Professional Studies, be accepted.
G. Bissix advised two descriptions for RECR 3163 are in handout and the second is to be deleted.
R. Jotcham, as chair of the Curriculum Committee, agreed to generate a list of non-offered or obsolete courses and the length of time each has been inactive for the next meeting of the Senate.  Hopefully such information will lead to action on behalf of departments to review such courses.  She also will prepare a handout concerning information on the course requirements for various programs at Acadia University.  These reports will be the basis for a discussion on curriculum at the January meeting of the Senate.

  3) Business Arising from
   Previous Minutes
   a) Reactivating Fall
      Convocation (045-05-VPA)
It was moved by R. Nilson and seconded by G. Dinter-Gottlieb that fall convocation at Acadia University be reactivated and be scheduled in conjunction with Homecoming Weekend.
R. Nilson spoke to this motion.  He felt this convocation should be reactivated and be on Homecoming Weekend, when alumni of the university return to campus.  This convocation was ceased two years ago, due to the lack of participation of both students and faculty.  In the past it was scheduled for the weekend after Thanksgiving and there was agreement that it was important to be consistent with the date.  Therefore a friendly amendment was made to the motion to include this.  Athletics are planned around the dates approved by the Senate.

4) New Business
   a) Acadia Divinity College-
      Curriculum Changes
It was moved by R. Wilson and seconded by H. Hopkins that the curriculum changes for the Divinity College, as outlined in the attachment to today's agenda, be received.
R. Wilson spoke to this motion, outlining the proposals.

     b) Professor Emeritus
      Standing Guidelines
It was moved by D. Brodeur and seconded by A. Franceschet that
Whereas the Senate of Acadia University has the right and duty to establish policy regarding professor emeritus standing and also has the authority to grant such standing:
Whereas Senate's work is served best by conditions of transparency and accountability;
Whereas the awarding of such honours is one way in which the Senate and University speak publicly about the quality of its teaching and research;
Whereas there has been an apparent dearth of awards of professor emeritus in the past decade;
Be it resolved:
That the Honorary Degrees committee review, in part by canvassing the opinions of Senators, the procedures, criteria, and indicators employed in assessing candidates for professor emeritus standing;
Be it resolved further:
That the Honorary Degrees Committee present to Senate at its March 2005 meeting a motion that reflects the outcomes of this review, including a proposal related to procedures, criteria, and indicators, for approval by Senate.
D. Brodeur spoke to this motion, noting that there is no criteria for selection of professor emeritus status at Acadia University.  Such guidelines would be an aid to faculty members when considering members to bring forward.  A procedure for arriving at such a status is also important.   
A friendly amendment to change the date to report to Senate, to March 2005 was accepted.

    c) 2003-2004 Annual Reports
      from Senate Committees
It was moved by J. Wentzell and seconded by B. Matthews that the annual report for 2003-2004 from the Scholarships, Prizes, and Awards Committee as attached to today's agenda be accepted.

     d) Timetable, Instruction
      Hours & Examination
      Committee - 2005-2006
      Calendar Dates
It was moved by B. Matthews and seconded by G. Iwama that the 2005-2006 calendar dates as attached to today's agenda be approved.
The Chair noted that an amendment is required as a result of a previously passed motion to reactivated Fall Convocation on 15 October 2005. 
It was moved by D. Duke and seconded by J. Wentzell that classes end 2 December 2005 and reduce study days to 3 December only.
This motion was an attempt to create equity in teaching hours over the term.  Discussion was held on the exam schedule and effects of moving those dates.
R. Nilson expressed concern that Senate has no guidelines regarding the number of teaching/contact hours necessary for courses given per semester.  This question will be referred to the TIE Committee for clarification and/or recommendation.
Discussion was held on teaching hours during Spring and Summer Intersession compared to Fall and Winter Terms when 36 hours are taught.  As is, because a minimum of three extra hours are expected in the Spring and Summer Intersession, teachers of intersession courses are treated inequitably.  R. Cunningham agreed to accept this schedule and wait for the teaching hours guideline report from the TIE Committee, provided doing so does not prohibit changes to teaching hours for May 05 and July 05.  It was so agreed.

 5) Adjournment

G. Callon moved this meeting be adjourned.  It was 11:05 a.m.

Following this meeting an In-Service was held, as requested at the last meeting of the Senate.  It took the form of a panel comprised of Greg Pyrcz, Wendy Bedingfield, Graham Daborn, Darren Kruisselbrink, and David Duke who shared their knowledge and experiences as Senators.  A question and answer period followed, with closing remarks from President Gail Dinter-Gottlieb and Vice-President (Academic) Ralph Nilson.  Ian Wilks thanked all members of the panel and challenged members on each Senate standing committee to bring an issue and/or motion to Senate before May 05.  The morning concluded with lunch.


D. Murphy, Recording Secretary