Acadia University Senate


1 February 2006

 Dear Member of Senate:


I advise you that a meeting of the Senate of Acadia University will occur at 4:00 p.m., Monday, 13 February 2006 in Room 132 of the Beveridge Arts Centre.  The AGENDA follows: 

1)      Minutes of the Meeting of 9 January 2006 

2)      Announcements and  Communications 

3)      Business Arising from the Minutes
         a)      Nominating Committee Membership of Ad hoc Committee on Students with Learning Disabilities (056-48-SLD) *

4)      New Business
a)      Acadia Divinity College - Curriculum Changes (056-49-DIV) *

         b)      Curriculum Committee - material to come from Rosemary (056-50-CRE)
         c)      Honorary Degrees Committee -      Honorary Degrees Nominations (056-51-HOD) *
                                                                   -    Professor Emeritus Nominations (056-52-HOD) *

         d)      Research & Graduate Studies - Proposed Restructuring of Senate R&GS Committee
                  (056-53-RGS) *                                                               

5)      Other Business


Yours sincerely,


Rosemary Jotcham, Registrar and Secretary of Senate


Items Carried Over/Tabled

-        Ad hoc Committee on Strategic Plan Report from 12 Dec 05

Attachment 3)a)
Senate Agenda/9Jan06

  Nominating Committee Report

February 13, 2006

The Ad Hoc Committee to Examine Current Policies and Practices Regarding Students with Learning Disabilities 

At the January 9th,   2006 meeting of Senate, a motion was passed for Senate to create an ad hoc committee to examine current policies and practices regarding students with learning disabilities.  
The membership of the committee was specified as follows:
-           three Senators - one from each of the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of
Professional Studies, and the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
-           two student representatives who participated in the panel on
learning disabilities organized on 28 September 2005
-           one student Senator
-           one representative from the School of Education whose field of
research includes learning disabilities
-           the Acadia University Dean of Students
The Nominating Committee places in nomination the following names for the positions listed:

Senator from each Faculty:
-         Tony Thomson,  Faculty of Arts
-         Susan Markham-Starr, Faculty of Professional Studies
-         Svetlana Barkanova, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
Students involved in the Learning Disability Panel
-           Tara Loughnane
-           Megan Pearson
Student Senator:
-           Josh Gould
Representative from the School of Education
-           Debra Day
  Respectfully submitted:
Darlene Brodeur (Chair)
Jan Buley
            Gail Dinter-Gottlieb
            Susan Markham-Starr
            Jan Marontate
            Anne Quéma
            Holger Teismann

Attachment 4)a)
Senate Agenda/9Jan06
Recommendations from the Acadia Divinity College Senate on curriculum changes for the Bachelor of Theology program
January 25, 2006
1. That: Chur 2013 Church History 1
            A survey of Church History up to the Protestant Reformation.
            CHUR 2023 Church History 2
            A survey of Church History from the Protestant Reformation to the present day.
Be deleted.      
To be replaced by
2.  That CHUR 2033 History of Christianity
            Christianity developed out of the context of the Roman world as the new movement, beginning with Jesus, spread to the rest of the world.  This course will explore the development of different traditions and denominations, the emergence of theological ideas, and the changes in the church as it reacted to division and interacted with culture.
Be created.
3. That PRAC 3113 CHRISTIAN WORSHIP be made a required course.
Robert S. Wilson
Academic Dean
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Senate Agenda/9Jan06
The Senate Committee on Research and Graduate Studies recommends that Senate re-structure committees currently responsible for graduate programs, honours programs and research as follows.
Council of Graduate Studies
Composition of the Council of Graduate Studies:
The Council of Graduate Studies should comprise one graduate coordinator from each graduate programme, three graduate students (preferably one from each faculty) elected by the Graduate Student Association and the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies. The Council would invite the President, VP Academic, the VP of the SRC, and/or the Registrar to special meetings.

Terms of reference for the Council of Graduate Studies:

  1. To develop policy on all matters regarding programs beyond the Bachelor’s degree at Acadia University including but not limited to admission and graduation requirements and to recommend such policy to Senate.
  2. To consider graduate curriculum submissions from Departments, Schools and Faculties and to make recommendations to Senate. Such submissions include changes in existing programs, courses and degree requirements and proposals for new courses, degree requirements and programs.
  3. To provide assistance to the Academic Program Review Committee in the review of graduate programs and by addressing recommendations resulting from those reviews.
  4. To establish policies governing the allocation of University funds to graduate students.
  5. To establish and oversee the internal adjudication process for Acadia’s applicants to external scholarship funds.
  6. To identify needs and provide for educational opportunities for graduate students beyond specific degree programs.
  7. To make recommendations to the Senate Committee on Research to enhance research programs and opportunities for graduate students.
  8. To consider and respond to graduate program matters referred to it by graduate students, faculty members, Departments, Schools, Faculties, the VP Academic or by the Senate of Acadia University.
Senate Committee on Research
Composition of the Senate Committee on Research:
The Senate Committee on Research should comprise one elected member from each of the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, and the Faculty of Professional Studies, one Canada Research Chair elected by the Canada Research Chairs, one graduate student elected by the Acadia University Graduate Student Association, one undergraduate student engaged in research and appointed by the ASU, one Director of a research centre chosen by the Directors, one librarian and the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.
Terms of reference for the Senate Committee on Research:
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Senate Agenda/9Jan06


  1. To develop policies and programs that encourage and support faculty, graduate and undergraduate research at Acadia University.
  2. To establish and oversee the adjudication process for Acadia University’s internal research funds, excluding the University Research Fund (Article 25.55).
  3. To establish, propose to Senate for approval and subsequently to implement a consultative process for regular reviews of the Acadia University Strategic Research Plan.
  4. To encourage and facilitate interaction among Acadia’s researchers, community members, community organizations, government and industry to expand and enhance research collaboration and dissemination.
  5. To consider and respond to research matters referred to it by graduate students, faculty members, Departments, Schools, Faculties, the VP Academic or by the Senate of Acadia University.
  6. To receive the annual reports of Research Centres and the Research Ethics Board, for submission to Senate.
Senate Honours Committee
Composition of the Senate Honours Committee:
The Senate Honours Committee should comprise two faculty members and one Honours student elected from each of the Faculties of Arts, Pure and Applied Science, and Professional Studies, and the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.
Terms of reference for the Senate Honours Committee:
  1. To regularly review policies governing Honours theses and to recommend changes to Senate as necessary.
  2. To establish and oversee the process of evaluation for Honours theses.
  3. To establish and oversee the internal adjudication process for Acadia’s in-course Honours student applicants to external scholarship funds, summer research awards.
  4. To establish and oversee the adjudication process for Acadia University’s awards to honours students.
  5. To make recommendations to the Senate Committee on Research to enhance research programs and opportunities for undergraduate students.
  6. To consider Honours Program applications not routinely accepted by the Registrar (i.e. special cases, appeals).
  7. To consider and respond to Honours program matters referred to it by undergraduate students, faculty members, Departments, Schools, Faculties, the VP Academic or by the Senate of Acadia University.